Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Presidential Tracker?
This tracker provides a comprehensive overview of the President's activities, both public and non-public, including scheduled events and significant engagements, with an approximate location and timeline. It also monitors pending legislation that the President may sign or veto. You can use the time slider to review events from the past 128 hours.
How is the data gathered?
I rely on publicly available information such as media reports, law enforcement updates, official White House schedules, and other verified sources.
Is the information always live?
Most publicly notable events are updated live, but some may be delayed by hours for safety. The President's schedule can change quickly, so do not expect a sudden shift in plans to reflect on the site instantly.
Is the location data precise?
In many cases, the location is intentionally generalized to maintain security. Some events may be approximated, meaning the marker will display over a large area rather than an exact pinpoint.
Why are certain events missing or delayed?
For safety reasons, some events may be held back until it's safe to release the information. Even if the information is publicly available, it may not be at a secure location or a matter of public interest. Personal events with minimal public interest are added retroactively, typically within 24 hours.
What appears in the legislation section?
All bills that have passed both the House and Senate will appear in the legislation section. I also personally add newsworthy bills to this section, even if they have not passed both houses.
Who are you?
Good question! You should always know where you're getting your news from. My name is Luke Wines, I'm a data and video journalist based out of Los Angeles, California. My other work and social media accounts can be found on my portfolio website.
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